Monday, May 17, 2010

Losin' the inches!!! WOOT WOOT!

And yes, I just did a "woot woot" in the title of this post. I'm excited though. I started Week 4 on Saturday and I measured myself today. Here's the breakdown of my measurements:

Thigh: 24.5 (down 1.5 inches)

Hips: 41.5 (down 1.25 inches)

waist: 35.75 (down .25 inches)

Arm: 12 (down 1 inch)

How excited am I? I think the waist could have been a little lower, but I was feeling a bit bloated today. That's ok, I put on a pair of shorts yesterday that two weeks ago you would have been embarrassed to see me in public with them on (I'm talking full on camel toe here people). Yesterday, they were "form fitting" but not embarrassing. That's always a great thing! It's like shopping again without having to spend any money!!!!

So Wednesday, I'm leaving for Tennessee. I had talked to my mother earlier today and she asked me "So, you ok with taking a week off from running?" My response, "oh I'm not taking a week off." She was kind of speechless....something that isn't done very often with my mother! Lets just hope that I really do run the entire time I'm away! I'll compete week4 on Wednesday and week 5 should be scheduled to be completed on Tuesday! Fingers crossed!

I'll try to update while I'm away, can't make any promises though :-)

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